Syntex demo purchases

Dear resellers,

As a result of the recent email requesting information and images/pictures of BMD reseller demo stock and demo areas and display's, we would like to remind everyone that demo products are available for investment according to the conditions below...(click on title to see more)

See the source image

For BMD...

The Blackmagic Demo programme enables partners to buy discounted units for demonstration, evaluation and testing at a 45% discount off MSRP.

Demo orders must be placed on a separate order in excel by email to , or via your account manager. They cannot be processed with normal price orders via the online Syntex Disti/B2B web portal.

Partners can purchase one of the same product every 24months. For multi-site operators more than one demo of the same product is open for discussion. After a 24-month period the partner is free to sell the product and re-order a replacement. Serial numbers are recorded and tracked.

Demo orders can take up to 3-5 working days to be processed due to authorisation of a BMD sales manager.

Only Products with a list price of more than €500.00 can be ordered at demo pricing

Please return your Demo Form to On receipt of you application we may ask to verify some further details.

If a commercial product is replaced by a new model and you hold a demo item of that product, you are free to do with it as you wish and purchase a demo of the new item.

Price protection does not apply to demo items.

In a backorder situation, priority is given to saleable/commercial items before demo items. This is managed by BMD UK and Syntex have no influence over this. Demo items are allocated on a "first in, first out" date order. 

Returning unwanted or incorrectly ordered items requires significant administration to be able to restock the goods.

To assist us in restocking any items we require the same form to be completed with an explanation as to why the item(s) are being returned. Once we receive this completed form you will be advised by our Team on how to send the goods back.

Other Syntex products/non-BMD

May be available upon request and conditions vary according to manufacturer. Please contact us if you are interested and we will provide you with details. Similar conditions to the above will apply and will be confirmed at the time of ordering.



Syntex Team.